Rain City Jacks is a private jack-off club, a fun and relaxed community where adult men can masturbate with each other safely and comfortably, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, nationality, politics, beliefs, sexual orientation or physical ability. Any man who wants to masturbate with other men and agrees to adhere to our Code of Conduct is welcome and treated with respect.
Membership dues are $30 for a year or $5 for a 30-day trial membership. Each event is $20.
Get full membership details here.
All kinds of guys including guys like you. Members are a very diverse mix of ages and body types and we don’t discriminate. Every event is an unexpected mix of older and younger guys and everything in-between.
There’s no quick way to express this- here are two blog posts you may find relevant to the subject:
“I just had a fantastic time at Rain City Jacks. On the chance that other guys might have similar concerns about attending an RCJ event, I’ll describe what I found there and why I’ll be going again.”
“So you’ve decided to take the plunge and come to your first Jacks event. It’s normal to feel a little nervous doing anything new, especially when sex is involved… Here’s a little info about what to expect.”
The complete Code of Conduct is here.
Rain City Jacks was founded in 2005 as a private membership organization. Our sole source of revenue is the direct support of our members via membership dues and event admission fees. We are financially self-sufficient and have never been the recipient of funds from any government entity.
Our relationship with the Pan Eros Foundation is that they are our landlord. We have a lease and rent their venue for our events. Although both organizations put on events that center around consensual human sexuality, we are separate organizations with different goals and operate our events accordingly – we do not collaborate or provide financial assistance to each other.
We hope this answers any questions concerning our finances. Further queries may be directed to publicrelations@RainCityJacks.org.
Contact us: info@raincityjacks.org