Reflections on The Rain City Jacks 19th Anniversary Event

This past Tuesday was the annual Rain City Jacks Anniversary Event, always the best-attended event of our year and the end of our “busy season” at the club. I can tell you a few things about the event but, like everyone in attendance, I have my own lens and bias through which I view it, and everything, really. There’s probably nobody more biased than me, the guy who founded the club in 2005 and worked to bring it to life for nearly two decades.

The most obvious difference between the Anniversary Event and our average event is the sheer numbers of men: 200 attendees versus our average 85. It was a whole lot of naked men together in one big room, and it was packed for 2½ hours, from 6:45 through 9:15, as guys started to head out, but the party kept going until 10pm when it was time to bring up the lights and start cleaning up.

Notice how I didn’t mention the sex yet? Jack-off clubs spring from our love of masturbation and a desire in many men to share that experience with each other, even to the exclusion of penetrative sex. It’s a very particular vibe that’s not for every man, but it can be intense and powerful for those of us wired for this vibe. The sheer volume of naked men—all in various states of arousal, engaged in pairs and groups and gangs or playing solo, everyone taking it in with all their senses—was intense and a little overwhelming. Many of us chose to stay on the edges of the crowd while others dove in, feeling the presence of all these male bodies in willing, eager proximity. For me, the scent alone was absolutely intoxicating.

Behind the scenes were months and weeks of preparation and adjustment, as the host venue had experienced a broken pipe and flood in the basement just a few weeks before, and our two regular events leading up to RCJ XIX were both canceled as a result. We didn’t know until one week before whether or not we would even be able to go on as planned. We had to pivot on virtually every aspect of the event but I was determined: If it were possible to make the event happen as scheduled, we were going to make it happen.

The night before, seven volunteers joined me to pre-set the playspace and locker room, clothes check and New Member Orientation areas. We worked for two hours and Tuesday evening, the night of the big event, no fewer than 23 volunteers showed up to finish setting up refreshments, music, video, lighting, restroom supplies, lube stations; and then run the door, induct and orient first-timers, monitor the playspace all through the event and finally clean everything up, throughly mop and wipe down and return the playspace to its gallery incarnation. A beautiful army of generous men who made this event run from start to finish. I feel so fortunate for the passionate contributions of my volunteers. They deserve the real credit for making this party a smashing success.

And now, RCJ XIX is in the books! We’ve wrapped up our 19th year in operation and in just a few days, we’ll begin our 20th with an easy, horny Seattle summer, just six more events from now through Labor Day. It feels almost like a vacation for us.

I would like to hear your reflections on this anniversary event. What was your experience? Please drop your comments below and thank you for taking time to share.

And thank you for making Rain City Jacks such an amazing gathering of men in Seattle.

Paul Rosenberg
Manager & Founder, Rain City Jacks

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  • John Burge

    Thanks, Paul and all the volunteers. I had a great time at the event. I arrived about 10 minutes to 7, expecting to see a long line at the door. When I didn’t see anyone, I thought there must be some mistake. But no, I entered and there was obviously a crowd behind the curtains already getting it on. It took me all of two minutes to scan my driver’s license and credit card (I was a lapsed member) and go through to join the throng. It seems like you’ve really managed to stream-line the check-in, which I really appreciate. Looking forward to my next event!

  • Bienvenido Torres III

    RCJs is one of the grounding, supportive, and pleasurable groups I’ve been a part of… and this event is really RCJs at its maximum. It can be a little intimidating because the default world is so different than RCJs – but once you’re in it really is all about a community of touching, enjoyment, and desire.

    I’ve never felt more confident, more myself, or more connected to a group of guys… and it’s all just jerking off! 🙂

  • Paul

    Hi Scott! Really, the best option for meeting bate buddies is to make the trek to Seattle and join one of our events. We are the only jack-off club north of Portland and not that far from Everett! Many men travel much farther to come to RCJ.

    Other than that, you can try dating apps like Grindr and Scruff, Sniffies.com and bateworld.com. Best of luck!

  • Steve

    Having read reviews and appreciations of the RCJ XIX anniversary event, my only regret is not having been able to make the trip from Dallas, TX, to attend. I now look forward to making trips for upcoming “Countdown” and “Movie Night” gatherings, as able. Having made many trips to attend 32 masturbation gatherings in 7 U.S. cities (including my hometown, Dallas), I can honestly say that RCJ, having been my very first (September, 2023) of six there, has been THE “class act” of social masturbation groups. You continue to “raise the bar” of respect, dignity, and intense fun of the basic male masturbation energy that all men deserve to enjoy. Though Seattle has many worthwhile attractions and activities, the RCJ organization makes it a men’s social jacks destination worthy of a 3+hour flight.
    Thanks to all the volunteers and fellow members for making at all happen.

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